New Job

I accepted a new job in April and man oh man it is a lot. I did 2 months of training and then I started in the office on July 1.  I get what everyone says about working in an office though. By 5 I’m not even seeing straight let alone can I work anymore.  And of course since I’m new I stay late because I’m not good at getting everything done during the day (I don’t have a routine yet, I’m not slacking).

Most days after work I’m even too tired to go to the gym which kills me. I used to hear people say that they can’t get to the gym after work and I thought you’re just being lazy, go to the gym.  But after working all day, going to the gym is the last thing I want to do sometimes.  I do make myself go sometimes or I go on a walk during my lunch break…if I get one. Or I have an elliptical at home that I’ll get on for 20 minutes as a last resort.

But it’s a great job.  Just a life adjustment.

Everything else is going well.  My wedding is only 51 days away and thing are getting stressful.  Why are there so many small details in a wedding.  Every decision you make, there are 12 more decisions to make associated with it.

My brain is about to explode.

I’ve been working on eating really well to help with my mental clarity and stress.  All this stress makes me want to go eat an ice cream or get a candy bar whenever I’m at the gas station or grocery story, but I know it’s not going to help me.  The cleaner my diet the better I’m going to feel and the better I’m going to be with wedding planning and at work. Oh and I guess at regular life when there’s any time for that.

What do you do to help keep stress levels down?

Moving the Gate

Yesterday J and I went to St. Louis over the weekend to do some wedding planning and to hang out with my family…Also so we could shop, which we did a lot of.  J got some great deals at the outlet malls on swim trunks for the honeymoon.

When we got back home to the farm I decided to go help him move some gates so they could move the calves tomorrow.  I thought I was just being helpful and it would be fun.  When we were done we were going to go fishing.  The plan went as it should, aside from one, painful little detail.  The gate fell on me.  Knocked me in the head and crushed me to the ground.  I don’t remember a lot of it.  J pulled the gate up and I crawled out.  Then he was trying to help me walk over to sit down but my legs kept giving out and I couldn’t walk.  Eventually we made it out to the ledge so I could sit down.  But man, it took a good 10 minutes for me to feel comfortable even sitting up straight.  The very heavy gate hit me on the head, then as I fell, landed on my collar bone.  I held a lot of the weight on my quad, which is good because those are very strong.  However, my knee was twisted inward.

We ended up still going fishing — we didn’t catch anything though.  When we got home and started getting ready for dinner I could definitely start feeling sore and bruises coming on.  Little did I know that things would get worse this morning.  I can barely put any weight on my knee.  I can bend it and straighten it, but I can’t really walk.  Guess I’ll bring out the old RICE tactic and if it doesn’t get better in the next few days, go to the doctor.

Hope you all had a better weekend than me.